Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Refleksi Akhir Tahun 2014

Tinggal menunggu beberapa jam lagi menuju tahun 2015. Tahun baru dimana mimpi,resolusi dan target sudah saya tulis di buku mimpi saya dan Insya Allah saya siap untuk berjuang dan berkorban.

Welcome the new you with the new spirit to face the new challenges in the new year !

Tahun 2014
Saya sangat bersyukur di tahun ini, karena di tahun ini saya banyak sekali mendapatkan pengalaman baru dan liku-liku kehidupan yang membuat saya membahami makna kehidupan walau baru sedikit yang saya pahami.
Saya adalah anak dari desa yang merantau di Jakarta, kuliah di Universitas Padjadjaran dan sempat gagal menimba ilmu di universitas pada tahun 2013. Tidak mudah melawan musuh terbesar yaitu diri kita sendiri. Semoga refleksi akhir tahun saya bisa menjadi pembelajaran dan semangat baru untuk kita semua.

Tak mudah melawan musuh terbesar dalam hidup ini, yaitu melawan diri sendiri termasuk melawan keterbatasan. Bagi saya pretending to be okay is okay. Setiap orang mempunyai cerita kehidupan masing-masing yang bahkan cerita hidup tersebut bisa menjadi motivasi dalam menjalankan kehidupan itu sendiri. Saya adalah sosok gadis yang ceria dan semangat dalam melakukan segala aktivitas saya. Melawan diri sendiri haruslah menggunakan cara,dan cara tersebut hanya ada dalam hati kita. It's always hard for the first step and for the first step dan kewajiban disaat jatuh adalah bangkit maka sebelumnya kita harus berdamai dengan masa lalu kita. Karena juga tanpa masa lalu kita tidak ada pada masa sekarang dan keep doing best in every moment that you have. Jangan takut membuat kesalahan, yang penting kita menjadi diri sendiri.

Tidak akan tercipta cerita seindah ini tanpa saya mengalami kegagalan. Yap, gagal kuliah. Awal memang berat sekali dan bahkan menggoyahkan keimanan saya. Tahun 2014 baru sekali saya pulang kampung ke Magetan, yaitu pada waktu lebaran dan mungkin untuk ke depannya saya pulang kampung sekali dalam setahun. Saya amat rindu dengan kampung halaman, namun suatu alasan membuat saya belum bisa pulang ketika liburan.Saya berdo'a semoga bapak dan ibuk di kampung sehat selalu dan saya akan berjuang di tanah perantauan ini sebagai tanda bakti untuk orang-orang yang mencintai saya. Jaga diri baik-baik apalagi kamu anak perempuan, itulah pesan yang selalu bapak sampaikan.

Jakarta kata orang-orang kampung adalah kota yang kejam. Namun, sebenarnya jika kita percaya dan bisa berada di sekeliling orang yang satu visi dan semangat dengan kita, maka Jakarta akan menjadi teman baik dan teman yang selalu dirindukan. Saya bersyukur bisa merantau ke kota ini. Kata orang, saya cukup pemberani berpetualang dan berpergian. Namun sebenarnya saya hanya berusaha melawan ketakutan dengan berani mencoba.

Saya mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada teman-teman di komunitas Sahabat Pulau. Komunitas yang berhasil membangun semangat saya dengan guru-guru hebat didalamnya. Saya banyak melakukan kesalahan di tahun 2014, namun saya mau belajar dari kesalahan yang saya lakukan untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik.Menjadi volunteer merupakan pengalaman yang berharga, saya bisa kenal dengan para relawan di Indonesia dan saya bisa belajar bagaimana teori seek to understand than be understood dengan berbagai keragaman yang ada di negara tercinta, Indonesia. Salah satu resolusi sayang di tahun 2015 untuk lebih berkontribusi di komunitas yang luar biasa ini.

Terimakasih Ya Rabb, saya sekarang menyandang status mahasiswa. Berkat dukungan dan do'a dari orang-orang yang mencintai saya juga atas kehendak-Mu.

Kemudian, di tahun ini pula saya diberi kesempatan menjadi Duta DKI Jakarta dalam Indonesian Youth Conference . Suatu pengalaman yang luar biasa bertemu dengan pemuda hebat perwakilan propinsi di Indonesia.

Tentunya meraih itu tidak mudah namun saya percaya saya memiliki keberanian dan motivasi yang lebih yang ada pada diri saya.

Mimpi dan harapan masih hidup dan terus mengalir. New and Exciting Opportunities has been waiting with the bright smile. 
Saya siap dengan tahun 2015.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Kalian yang Menguatkanku

Surat kecil ini aku tulisan kepada Tuhan-ku

Ya Rabb, Ya Allah..
Terimakasih telah engkau berikan kesempatan kepada Anisa Nur Ropika untuk menghirup udara di dunia fana ini
Aku tidak tidak menebak sampai kapan aku akan ada di dunia ini
Namun sekiranya jika aku masih ada kesempatan untuk menulis dan mengabadikan moment syukurku pada-Mu, maka aku akan menulis. Dan dalam kesempatan yang begitu indah ini aku ingin menuliskan rasa terimakasih kepada keluarga dan guru-guru hebat yang aku temuin di universitas kehidupan ini.
Ibuk di Magetan,
Ibuk, Anis sayang ke ibuk.. Much words that I need to say, but it's complicated to say.
I LOVE YOU Ibukk...

(to be continued)

Here to Stay

Friday, 12 December 2014

The True Leadership Treasure by Victor Antonio G

The True Leadership Treasure

I went on search to be a leader,

Searching high and low above the meer,

I spoke with authority that I remember,
All would follow, all but one member,

"Why should I trust you ?' the one did ask,
"What have you done to achieve the task?'

I though long and hard of what I did wrong,

then I rolled up my sleeves and worked right along,

Shoulder to shoulder we got things done,
We worked side by side, all were one,

A mate of mine stumbled, I stooped to assist,
My hand he did grab, a smile did persistm

One was lost, didn't know what to dom
I showed him how, the ropes, something new

I praised them one and all for their work, All were unique, but I encourage each quirk,

When the task was done, one did shout
"You're a great leader!" they all turned about,

Without you there to support our plight,
Lost would we be with no end in sight",

I learned that day that I lead bestm
When I get off my butt and help the rest,

To lead by example is the true treasure,
The secret of leadership, in one simple measure.

Victor Antonio G

Thursday, 11 December 2014

The Story is just Begin ~ Ambassador Indonesian Youth Conference 2014

 “You can’t have a rainbow without a little rain" - Dolly Parton

That little girl still keep walking on. Even tough some matter make she afraid on but it’s never stopping her legs to keep moving forward, inspire others, and striving to help  others to soar as high. 

“I respect my self, I always do my best in every second for my life and for other’s life”, she said

Being the ambassador of Indonesian Youth Conference is one of the step that she has been trough. Dreams is something that we can make it in reality.
At that time, the end of July, she just got an email that she has been chosen as the ambassador of Indonesian Youth Conference 2014 to represent DKI Jakarta. The selection process are thought enough even the number of candidate for the ambassador from DKI Jakarta were on the top comparing with others city in Indonesia. Something bless for her could going to IYC to represent DKI Jakarta.
She call this as achievement. Why ? Because for her being the ambassador of IYC isn’t only changes her life but also people’s life. After the announcement, she upload the screenshot of the announcement to the social media and such a pleasure for her with the tears hen many people give positive respond.

Check this story out…

4-8 November 2014
Yeah, now is our turn to sing out our mind and sing without doubt.
The IYC are now coming. Actually before I went to Jakarta for IYC’s program, I have some problem that really make me so confused to choose which one that I need to take. I have an event in my campus that hard to be leave and also my friend doesn’t let me go for IYC. And also the alumnae's event for joining induction, the event that coming once in year.  But, I always keep praying and listen to my heart. I dare  my self to being risk taker. Yes, finally I went to Jakarta for IYC program.
Met new people with their high spirit to speak out their idea to contribute the best for Indonesia such a miracle for me. I knew God always give the best chance in  the best time as my best luck to be here. 68 the best youth in Indonesia are gathered become one. The IYC forum it self held in Griya Pejaten, South Jakarta.
Many activities that already prepared by the committee and we have so fun there. Including worth session that open our mind our how to make our idea of our project become reality someday. The session that I love the most is about fundraising session. Because fundraising in my opinion is the biggest obstacle and the biggest support to running the project.
From now on, IYC has a big contribution for me to be more aware, willingness and taking care with social issues around. And youth are the weapon to make everything better. Thank you for Indonesian Youth Conference.
Here, I also big thanks to kak Hendri who always being nice mirror for me and motivate me to keep moving forward till unpredictable time. Thank you kak Hen, for being best friend, big brother and everything.
For the next I hope I could make a synergizing the project that I lead named One Youth one Child and Culturepreneur, realizing that the Indonesian Culture are now becoming stranger for young people. From collaboration between One Youth One Child and Culturepreneur we want to heading some training for youth and kids around Indonesia especially Jakarta with introducing Indonesian culture, entrepreneurship training and we invite some expertise, and also we will use education as a bottom line which is we want to share the moral values from product that will make including the history and philosophy, character building from the process from we training till the sustainable action also English time during the project. 

“A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination” –Nelson Mandela-

That’s some story of Anisa during the IYC program. 

Her contribution for Indonesia will never end. She loves everything about culture as her dreams to be a dancer that can go to International level. She still keep striving on to make it come true. Isn’t something lie when challenges are coming trying to knock her down, but challenges for her are something to pursue her dreams cause when challenges comes mean dreams almost turn in to reality. As she ever being the best student of Youth Entrepreneurship Program in Senior High School, she wants be creative social business woman someday. Heart is the key, heart that guiding her to running and working the best. Passion and faith are driving her life. From Magetan moved to Malang then moved to Jakarta and now she studying in Bandung, she always tried to give positive impact and motivate other and make a changes even little changes but in a great way.